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ABB ACS180 Series

ABB machinery drives ACS180, 1/3 to 30 HP (0.25 to 22 kW) ABB ACS180 adalah penggerak mesin yang kompatibel, ideal untuk alat berat kompak. penggerak mesin yang hemat biaya dan ringkas ini dioptimalkan untuk pembuat mesin yang memerlukan kemudahan penggunaan dan kinerja alat berat yang andal. Katalog ABB ACS180 Indonesian Flyer ABB ACS180

ABB ACS310 General purpose drives

A drive dedicated to optimize your variable torque applications, such as booster pumps and centrifugal fans. Designed with a powerful set of features that vary the drive’s performance in response to changes in pressure, flow or other external data. Helping you to save on operating costs, increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Highlights
  • 0.37 to 11 kW/0.5 to 15 hp 200 V
  • 0.37 to 22 kW/0.5 to 30 hp 400 V
  • IP20 enclosure (UL open type), optional NEMA 1 kit
  • Built-in pump and fan features
  • Embedded Modbus EIA-485 interface
  • Built-in C3 EMC filter
icon pdf Katalog ABB ACS310

ABB ACS480 General purpose drive

Some applications need only the essentials from their drives: simplicity and efficiency in a small package, delivered as effortlessly as possible. The ACS480 general purpose drive is exactly that: it brings all the essentials effortlessly together for you to run your conveyors, compressors, fans, pumps, and many other basic applications. katalog risacorps Katalog ABB ACS480

ABB General Industrial Drives ACS880 Series

The ACS880 is an all-compatible ABB industrial drive, offered in a range of wall-mounted drives, drive modules and cabinet-built drives. ABB ACS880

ABB General Machinery Drives ACS355 Series

ABB ACS355 Series Jika Anda adalah integrator sistem, pabrikan peralatan asli, atau pembuat panel, ABB ACS355 adalah drive mikro tingkat atas kami. Ini difokuskan pada penanganan material, aplikasi makanan dan minuman, pengolahan karet, plastik dan kayu. Anda memiliki drive hemat biaya dan serbaguna yang menawarkan konektivitas terbaik di kelasnya. Instalasi dan commissioning sederhana dan mudah, menghemat waktu tenaga kerja Anda. risacorps pdf ACS355 Brosur    risacorps pdf ACS355 Flyer

risacorps pdf ACS355 User Manual

ABB General Purpose Drives ACS580-Series

  The ACS580 is an all-compatible ABB general purpose drive, offered in a range of wall-mounted drives, drive modules and cabinet-build drives. It turns complicated to simple to control processes efficiently. ACS580 drives include all the essential components for typical light industry applications. With a scalable offering from 0.75 kW to 500 kW. The drive is ready to control compressors, conveyors, mixers, pumps, and fans, as well as many other variable and constant torque applications. Katalog ABB ACS580 Series


Miniature circuit breakers - MCBs

Uncompromising safety and comfort

Miniature circuit breakers ensure electrical safety in multiple applications. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the magnetic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. Main benefits
  • Extra-wide and complete range of MCBs to cover most applications and markets
  • Compliance to worldwide product standards (IEC, UL, CSA)
  • Space and time saving thanks to the unique bottom-fixing auxiliary contact
  • Established and certified quality
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ABB Micro Drives ACS150 Series

ABB Micro Drives ABB Micro Drive ACS150 dirancang untuk memberikan hasil yang terbaik untuk aplikasi Anda yang paling dasar. tingkatkan performa yang mulus ke level terdepan dengan jangkauan daya yang luas dan fungsionalitas dari ACS150. tersedia 1 phase dan 3 phase ACS150 memiliki banyak fungsi standar seperti PID control, built-in brake chopper dan EMC filter. serta terdapat alat konfigurasi opsional FlashDrop yang bisa membuat konfigurasi Drive tanpa daya menjadi cepat dan mudah. risacorps pdf ACS150 Katalog  risacorps pdf ACS150 Flyer  


ABB Motors ABB motors are of the totally enclosed, three phase squirrel cage type, built to comply with international IEC and EN standards. Motors conforming to other national and international specifications are also available on request. All production units are certified to ISO 9001 international quality standard as well ISO 14000 environmental standard and conform to all applicable EU Directives. Download for Specifications Download for Catalog


G2 Smart Sensor for Motor Performance Bluetooth BASA w/ Aluminum Clamp Mount A2

katalog risacorps Katalog ABB SmartSensor

AH1 (FJ) Switches

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Electric pot • Automobiles (Detection of key position), etc   Download For Specification

Contactors and Relays

To keep things running you need control ABB offers a comprehensive selection of contactors for simple and extreme application as well as products with specific purposes. The AF contactor technology revolutionizes how we use contactors and allows use in all parts of the world and in all network conditions. Furthermore, mini-contactor range offers compact dimensions and specific connection possibilities. The AS contactor is efficient and allows you to optimize your equipment design. You can choose terminals between screw, push-in spring and ring tongue through our ranges. So whatever your need of a contactor might be, ABB will have a variant meeting just that. Download for Catalog