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ABB General Industrial Drives ACS880 Series

The ACS880 is an all-compatible ABB industrial drive, offered in a range of wall-mounted drives, drive modules and cabinet-built drives. ABB ACS880

Micno KE300 Series Sensorless Vector Control Inverter

KE300 is launched based on the perfect combination of years of experience and advanced drive technology. According to the perfect understanding to customers' requirements, KE300 integrates with sensorless vector control, V/f control, torque control and soft start functions, widely applied in pump & fan, and the applications which require high speed control accuracy, rapid torque response and high performance at low frequency.   Application :
  • Pumps & Fans
  • Washing industry
  • Machine tool equipment
  • Woodworking equipment
  • Simple lifting equipment
  • Air compressor, centrifugal, etc.
  • other medium-end applications
Micno KE300 Series     

ABB General Purpose Drives ACS580-Series

  The ACS580 is an all-compatible ABB general purpose drive, offered in a range of wall-mounted drives, drive modules and cabinet-build drives. It turns complicated to simple to control processes efficiently. ACS580 drives include all the essential components for typical light industry applications. With a scalable offering from 0.75 kW to 500 kW. The drive is ready to control compressors, conveyors, mixers, pumps, and fans, as well as many other variable and constant torque applications. Katalog ABB ACS580 Series



  • Equipped with a large memory capacity (up to 220k program steps or up to 500k data words) and a high-speed processor (11ns/step)
  • Local & remote connectivity The standard CPU boards with Ethernet interface offer connectivity without limits, from remote programming to monitoring and data logging to FTP server, MEWTOCOL (client/server), EtherNet/IP  and Modbus TCP. Together with the Mini-USB and the RS232C port, it is possible to connect up to 272 devices. Supported services include FTP client/server (file exchange), HTTP Client (data exchange / services with a HTTP server / cloud), and sending e-mails with attachments. The integrated web server allows access to the variables of the system / program or diagnostic information using a predefined page or a user-defined page created with the graphical tool "Web Creator" based on HTML5 technology. HTML pages can be viewed from any Internet browser even from mobile devices (smartphones and tablets).
  • Security & reliability Built-in program backup. Production can resume in the event of fault. Original program is immediately to hand.
  • Traceability Operational and program editing events are logged. Automatic logs of program download and upload are useful, especially for program debugging.
  • Maintenance Hour meter operation. The built-in clock/calendar function can be adjusted via Ethernet.
Download for user manual.

Hitachi WJ-C1 Series | Compact high-performance inverter

Creating the Future with Easy Operation and Smart Control

Inverter Hitachi untuk industri  Seri WJ, Tipe C1, mudah dikonfigurasi, sangat efisien, dan sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan seri sebelumnya. WJ-C1 dirancang untuk memberikan hasil yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, mendukung aplikasi dengan andal, serta menawarkan kinerja dan fleksibilitas yang luar biasa. Dengan Inverter Hitachi WJ-C1, Hitachi menghadirkan peningkatan cerdas yang ringkas dan sangat cocok untuk berbagai aplikasi inverter seperti mesin tekstil, penanganan material, pintu gulung, pompa, kipas, dan banyak lagi. katalog risacorps Katalog WJ-C1 Series

Panasonic FP0R Series

Ultracompact dengan fungsionalitas lebih

FP0R adalah standar baru untuk PLC kompak yang menawarkan fungsionalitas yang ditingkatkan dan kinerja yang optimal. Karena desainnya yang sangat ringkas, Panasonic FP0R sangat cocok untuk kabinet sakelar kecil dan lokasi lain dengan ruang terbatas. Hingga empat sumbu dapat diposisikan tanpa unit ekspansi, dan port USB TOOL memastikan transfer program yang sederhana dan cepat. FP0R meyakinkan dalam menuntut lingkungan seperti aplikasi pelabelan. icon pdf Katalog Panasonic FP0R Series

icon pdf Katalog Panasonic FP0R Analog Series

icon pdf Katalog Panasonic FP Series Lineup

Hitachi Inverter VFD WJ200/N Series

Superior Control Performance & Network  Inverter Hitachi WJ200/N adalah inverter VFD dengan Dual rating  untuk aplikasi VT/CT .Mampu menggerakkan motor IM/PM dengan sirkuit pengereman terintegrasi. WJ200N Series

Mesin CNC Plasma Cutting

Pemasangan Suku Cadang Sistem Otomasi Mesin CNC Plasma Cutting menggunakan Panasonic MINAS A6 Family.


Hari ini sampai masa depan, RISACORPS akan terus menjawab tantangan otomasi industri di Indonesia, dengan menyediakan suku cadang berstandar, konsultasi, pembuatan solusi sistem untuk aplikasi industri, layanan teknis serta layanan pengiriman.

Kami memiliki insinyur penjualan yang sangat terlatih yang selalu siap untuk memberikan layanan terbaik  kepada pelanggan berharga kami.

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